Reflections on My Time at Telkom University


I never really thought about studying IT at Telkom University. I ended up here because I felt like I didn’t have any other options. The idea that IT involves mathematics appealed to me, as I’ve always enjoyed math. However, I had no clue about what IT actually was. It wasn’t until I started my studies that I realized how unfamiliar it was to me, someone who had never tinkered with computers or coding before. This made the early semesters quite challenging for me. Despite this, I’ve had many positive learning experiences on campus, including with my friends. My journey through college was never part of my original plan, but I’ll share more about it in the next chapter!

Embracing Challenges

As I mentioned earlier, I’m quite unfamiliar with technology, so I often find myself unsure of where or what to study. This sometimes makes it challenging to answer questions, as I struggle to grasp their meaning. Fortunately, I’ve been able to connect with classmates who are not only academically gifted but also kind-hearted and willing to help those struggling to keep up. I believe this has been one of my key strategies in overcoming the challenges of university life—surrounding myself with bright, supportive peers.

However, to cultivate such friendships, I’ve realized the importance of reciprocity. It’s not just about benefiting from others’ knowledge; it’s about offering something valuable in return, ensuring a balanced relationship. So, for those facing academic difficulties, I suggest seeking out friendships with kind, knowledgeable peers and striving to be a supportive friend in return.

Academic Achievements

To be honest, I’m just an ordinary student; I have many friends who are more talented in the field of informatics. So, for this part, I can only mention my simple achievements. So far, I have started to become familiar with the world of informatics, such as coding, SQL, and others. I have also taken many free courses provided by online learning platforms outside of campus. Besides that, I also try to explore other things that I can pursue in the field of IT because the IT field is very broad, and so far, I have started to become interested in web development and data.

Looking Ahead

I hope I can consistently learn and level up from being just familiar to becoming proficient in the field of IT. I also hope to pursue a career in IT, such as becoming a web developer, data analyst, or even a mentor. Actually, I want to become a mentor because of my experience struggling to learn alone, so I want to help others so they can enjoy learning even though there are still many things they don’t know or can’t do yet.

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